
Nasri Aid empowers livelihoods in fishing, agriculture, and small-scale businesses through training and support. Initiatives include modern farming, animal husbandry, sustainable fishing methods, and entrepreneurship. The organization aims to enhance income generation and sustainability in these key sectors


NADO understands that sustainable change requires a comprehensive approach. We address not only immediate needs but also work towards long-term solutions that promote people's life.


Nasri Aid's WASH projects address water, sanitation, and hygiene needs, emphasizing clean water access, sanitation improvement, and hygiene education using methods like PHAST, CHAST, and CLTS. They focus on constructing wells, distributing water, and building sanitation facilities, while also educating communities on disaster preparedness.


In the realm of education, Nasri Aid extends support by providing primary school resources, advocating for education accessibility, and establishing non-formal schools for adults. These initiatives are coupled with school feeding programs to ensure proper nourishment, thereby enhancing the learning environment and educational outcomes for students of all ages

Empowering Lives, Building Futures: Together, We Create Sustainable Change."

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